Earth Day 2020

Before beginning this perspective on the power and wonders of nature, I want to express my gratitude for all of our front-line workers who are risking their lives to combat COVID-19 on a daily basis or supporting us with essential goods and services while we shelter in place. This new disease has taken the lives of nearly 200,000 people worldwide and the numbers keep increasing on a daily basis. I also want to express my condolences for all who have suffered loss during this trying time. In addition to health impacts, the virus has crippled the global economy, and put a “pause” on our routine life on earth. Brilliant scientists and researchers around the world are working feverishly to understand this novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV- 2), create accurate testing kits, and develop an effective vaccine. While all this goodness of humankind gives me hope, we all know that our lives will forever change.

For people living today, this is the first time we are experiencing a David and Goliath story of such magnitude and devastation. In order to grasp at the power of nature in this story, let’s first look at the size of our protagonist compared to earth. The average diameter of the SARS-CoV-2 is a mere 125 nanometers while our home earth is about 12,500 kilometers in diameter. A simple infectious agent 0.00000000000001th the size of planet earth brings global humankind to its knees! One hundred trillion is an unimaginable size difference. As a vague point of reference, this is about 500 round trips in miles between the earth and the sun. 

The second astounding characteristic of the powerful protagonist is its mere simplicity and elegance. The spherical virus particle consists of just three basic components-- (1) simple strands of the virus’s genetic code (RNA) encapsulated in a (2) membrane layer of fat surrounded by (3) spiked protein protrusions. Our protagonist is not even an independent living organism, it requires a host to propagate its existence. In a host environment, the protein spikes attach to specific receptor sites found on the surface of the host cells. This starts a reaction that fuses the virus and cell membranes allowing the viral RNA to enter the host cell. The RNA then takes control of the cell’s protein making capabilities to create an environment conducive to rapid reproduction and distribution of the virus through the host. 

The crowning features of our brilliant protagonist are its innocuous nature and transmissibility. This coronavirus does not poison the host, rather it is the host’s own immune system response that creates systemic damage that can lead to life threatening conditions and potential death. In the case of SARS-CoV-2, the virus invades mucosal tissue in the human host, and it is then transmitted to others through viral droplets expelled primarily by coughing or sneezing. Unwitting new hosts, breathe in the droplets or transfer them by contacting high touch surfaces in the environment and then touching their eyes or nose that are lined with mucous membranes-- and the cycle continues. 

The ultimate twist to this story is that the protagonist is perhaps mother earth herself using the ultimate targeted weapon to combat a species out of control. Humankind has plundered the earth in our attempt to dominate the world. Over the past two hundred years, the pace of despoliation and population growth has outstripped our ability to live in a harmonious and sustainable manner with our home. We are a mere blip on the earth’s timeline of life, and we have set ourselves on a path to our own extinction.

While this is a dire situation, there are still glimmers of hope. Humankind’s “pause” on earth has been a boon to the environment and our way of life. The use of fossil fuels has plummeted, and the air quality in densely populated areas has seen unprecedented improvement. Moreover, our fast-paced lifestyles to nowhere have been reduced to a crawl enabling us to focus on what matters most in our lives. We now have the gift of time to reflect on what is most important to us, and what kind of impact we want to make on our new path forward. There are so many critical issues that need our commitment and passion to foster a caring and compassionate humankind that is in better balance with earth and all its inhabitants. 

At ZIP Innovations we believe in the power of design to create positive impact in people’s lives and the world we live in. We are experts in the process of design, and we want to partner with you to take on meaningful and courageous challenges. What role do you and your organization want to play in this emerging story? Contact us to find out how we may use design to enable your success. There is no time to lose.  

Photo Credit: CDC/ Alissa Eckert, MS, Dan Higgins, MAMS